New Stock - I have a few basics in stock but I can order in anything you want made by the brands I have contracts with. I should be able to pricematch any other shop so long as its multiple items or an expensive item. I can get Tama Drums, Code Heads, Aquarian Drumheads, Remo Heads, Evans Heads, Carlsbro, UFO Cymbals, SlapKatz, Wambooka, ProMark or Zildjian sticks and a few others.
Spare Parts - I can order Tama, Mapex and Yamaha Spare parts in addition to the stock of used parts in the shop.
Drum Refurbishing - Light clean / new skins - I can do this for not much more than the price of skins elsewhere. I can get edges re-cut, holes filled, plys glued back togerther, kits rewrapped, painted stained - anything really. New Evans or Remo heads can be fitted along with Puresound or Fat Cat wires. Have a look at my facebook page for some examples of work I have done - @BerthaDrums
Guitar Setups- I can do a basic guitar setup and fret dressing service. An average setup with a couple uneven frets and new strings would be £50.
Purchasing - I am always on the look out for used stock so drop me an email to with some photos and a description if you are considering selling drums or want anything appraised. I am happy to take a trade in against any item you want to buy but email me first and payment will have to be made via an invoice.
Kit Rental - I have a vintage Premier Royale kit with good modern legs and good quality hardware to make it suitable for live work which is available for hire. The kit comes with the hardware and a rug but no breakables(cymbals, snare, bass drum pedal). it costs £50 a day and extras could be added on -email for availability.

Advice for purchasing - The standard beginners advice is always to buy good second hand equipment instead of new cheap kits but this really requires you to know quite a lot about drums - We can help you buy a drumkit, cymbals and all the hardware and accessories required. Send an email with a few details to There is an hourly charge for the work (2 hours is about average for searching for the good deals and supplying you with all the links to go and buy them). It doesnt need to be items from our stock, We can look for the best deal from multiple shops to get everything you require and can store things for a while if its a present. We will need to know - Budget / colour preference / style of music / height of drummer and if you require courier delivery.